The Sabbath School, the primary religious education program of the Church, has four purposes: study of the Scripture, fellowship, community outreach, and world mission emphasis. A Sabbath School Bible study guide for all age levels, provides designs for Sabbath School programming within the context of the various world division cultures, provides resources and training systems for Sabbath School teachers, and promotes world mission Sabbath School offerings. “The Sabbath school is an important branch of the missionary work, not only because it gives to young and old a knowledge of God’s Word, but because it awakens in them a love for its sacred truths, and a desire to study them for themselves; above all, it teaches them to regulate their lives by its holy teachings.”—CSW 10, 11. “The Sabbath school, if rightly conducted, is one of God’s great instrumentalities to bring souls to a knowledge of the truth.”—CSW 115. Provides resources and trains members to unite their efforts with those of the pastor and officers in soul-winning service. It also has primary responsibility for programs assisting those in need.
The Mission Quarterly features weekly stories of Adventists sharing the news of the love of Jesus with their friends. These accounts are an important part of the weekly Sabbath School Lesson that Adventists study during the week in anticipation of group discussion on Saturdays.
The Adult Bible Study Guide offers an in-depth Bible Study on a given theme each quarter of the year. Each week is focused on a specific lesson and contains a relevant text that members are encouraged to commit to memory.
The Inverse Sabbath School publication caters to the needs of young adults. It is designed for young people that are interested in a deeper understanding of the Bible as well as the freedom, healing and hope to be found in Jesus.
The Beginner version of the quarterly and weekly Sabbath School Lesson teaches Bible lessons using material appropriate to infants and toddlers aged 0-2. It’s never too early to learn about Jesus.
Kids aged 3-4 are the target age for the Kindergarten version of the Sabbath School quarterly and lesson. The activities and videos are great!
Primary Sabbath School lessons are created for children aged 5-9. A suite of study materials including Bible story videos and special resources for teachers is available to make Bible study come alive for this age group.
Junior PowerPoints is the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide created specifically for elementary school children aged 10-14. The curriculum is based on a four-year cycle and features Bible lessons in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation.
Real-Time Faith is the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide specifically tailored to early teenagers, aged 13-14. RTF is about God’s kingdom of grace and the opportunity for those that study the Bible and develop a relationship with Jesus, to be recruited as agents or stewards of the kingdom. The lessons tackle the different challenges, rights, or privileges in “real-time” of being an agent of God’s kingdom.
Cornerstone Connections is a Sabbath School lesson aimed at teens aged 15-18. Cornerstone Connections lessons are based on a condensed version of five books called the Conflict of the Ages series. The books, written by Adventist pioneer Ellen White, examine God’s role throughout history.